Back in Umbria after one year off! After we had decided to visit the (probably last) GEMAB in Chambley / France the year before, we were really looking forward to return to the Sagrantino Cup in 2024! The stable weather and the beautiful scenery of middle Italy soon provided the flights and views we had [...]
Every year in July, the Ballonsportclub Hellenstein e.V. holds its friendship meet with around 15 teams from near and far, and since we can remember, the weekend involves hot sunny weather and a lot of flying. It was no different this year! =) Thank you to all the helping hands making this event possible and [...]
We’re back home from Kiel and one week after our return, the weather finally allowed some more flights! Nice one together with Bavaria Ballonfahrten and again! :-) [...]
For our big adventure in fall 2023, we had had to skip the Kieler Woche last year… only with the promise to return in 2024, which we did! And we were just as lucky with the weather as in the previous four editions… 8 flights in 9 days, what more can you wish for =) [...]
The weather is really being a challenge at the moment in our region, the unstable air masses giving the met men a hard time to predict the conditions. What to do? Get up, look out of the window… and if it’s nice, we go! =) [...]
With the Ballonsportgruppe Stuttgart e.V., we took part in the 10th International Balloon Museum’s Cup at Gersthofen. The annual gas balloon meeting near Augsburg features two flights – if weather permits – and this year, the rain just stopped in time for a nice morning flight on Thursday! =) In the evening of the same [...]