Category : News
After we had had a lot of rain in springtime in our home region, we were thrilled to fly there again – our last flight there dated back to February! So, we had the time, the balloon and the weather… but no retrieve! What to do? Luckily, the cool morning drainage flow from the mountains [...]
For the first time in four years, we had a successful Whitsun Youth Camp with the Ballonsportgruppe Stuttgart e.V. again! The last one had been in 2019 at Seeg, Allgäu, while the ones in 2020 and 2021 had to be cancelled. In 2022, the camp was held but no flights were possible due to bad [...]
For our third time already, we travelled to the Majova Fiesta balloon meeting at Slapy on the Vltava river, just south of Prague, in Czech Republic. Weather was nice, and so we could fly three times, with funny and challenging competition tasks, and a lot of friends involved. Surely not our last time there! :-) [...]
The 2023 summer season is slowly coming into swing and the balloon festival at Krefeld last weekend marked the start! Easter Sunday morning, we had a fantastic flight in a north-westerly direction… but see for yourself! ;-) Sunday evening offered another chance to enjoy some awesome views, with a night glow on Saturday completing the [...]
Our second big adventure of 2023 led us to Lapland! Together with my good friend Tommie from Friesland, I was lucky enough to join Edcar’s team from Hot-R Ballonvaarten for a fantastic journey across the Arctic Circle. Meeting near Hamburg, we took the ferry from Kiel to Gothenburg and crossed all Sweden by car. The [...]
Last weekend, it was time to get out our little Raven Aurora balloon again for a beautiful winter flight! One hour twenty minutes fly-in to our homebase, walking home, retrieving the balloon with our second car and a quickly borrowed trailer, and then fetching back the first car. Great fun! =) [...]
After three short episodes in the previous years, this year it was time for a full week of mountain madness: The ‘International Ballooning Week’ at Filzmoos in all its glory! =) For this occasion, we teamed up with Dutch Tommie and Cas, both of whom we had met years ago at the International Youth Camp [...]